Swirled Peas

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Amazing sock rescue!
Happened 7/30/2008 and is only now being released to the public!
If socks can do it, we can too! Reach out and help someone!

Friday, February 03, 2012

"Touch" - This link leads to the hour long preview of a new TV show called "Touch". You can view it now online. The series starts in March. I really enjoyed the preview! It is about a father raising a 10 year boy who appears to be autistic but has special gifts.

Go to this link: http://www.fox.com/touch/

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Young Peregrine Falcon Rescued

While staying at a friend's house in Ormond Beach over Thanksgiving, I found an injured bird in the front yard. With the help of my mother and her friend, we got the bird into a box and placed it in the garage overnight. The next day, I drove it to the Marine Sciences Center in Ponce Inlet. They examined it and said it was a Peregrine Falcon with a broken leg and a wing broken in two places. They arranged for it to be transferred to H.A.W.K.E., a bird center near Jacksonville, FL. The following week, surgery was performed to repair the damage. The bird is doing well and although he/she will is not expected to fly again, it will be used in educational programs. They were considering naming it Ken for two friends who had passed away recently. I suggested they name it "Obi Wan Kenobi" to incorporate the O.B. for Ormond Beach where it was found with the name of their friends. I haven't heard what they decided to call it, but to me, it will always be "Obi Wan Kenobi."

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Elephant Diaries

Wow! Almost a year since my last post! Free at last, free at last!

Tonight I saw Elephant Diaries on TV from the Animal Planet network. They showed how they rescue orphaned baby elephants and help them get over their trauma. Most of the elephants have seen their mothers killed by poachers.

It was incredible to see the care they took with the babies. Two keepers slept with one baby elephant the first night after its rescue because it was so afraid. It is a fascinating show with a lot of love. It is a repeating series. I will look for it.

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Last Mimzy

This movie has some sci-fi aspects. Some of the reviews said it went over the top on fantasy.
I loved it! See it for yourself! I watched it twice!

The Last Mimzy - Fun Facts from the review

The Last Mimzy is based on the 1943 short story Mimsy Were the Borogoves. The title of the story is taken from Lewis Carroll's "Jaberwocky," a famous poem for which Carroll made up several words, some of which are now become part of the English language.

Information about the movie can be seen at:



Monday, August 22, 2005

Feeling Better

Here I am, back again. I took some time out to do some healing work on myself. I feel much better. Lots of things helped. But the ones I noticed the most were my new chiropractor and his belief that the body can heal itself if the mind gets out of the way and the energy is allowed to flow where it needs to go. I think that was a combination of his words and mine. Friends are the other thing that help. Why do I deprive myself of them so often?

I got up early this morning and went for a walk around the neighborhood while it was still fairly cool. This is Tampa, Florida. Fairly cool is 80 degrees at 8 am. I was able to walk more rapidly than usual without any pain or discomfort. Several dogs barked at me. My daughter tells me that is how they say hello. A medium size black dog started to follow me. I wasn't afraid as I have often been in the past. I told him not to follow me, to go on home. A man came out of a shop and called the dog to him. When I walked by Gladys and Buford's house, they were sitting out in the carport. They called out a greeting and asked how I was. Buford said, "Where's your stick?" "I forgot it," I told him. If he hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have even noticed it! I always carry a stick on my walks to protect me from dogs running loose.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

The Saga Thickens...

Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 11:08:42 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: the orchid cactus saga...

After studying epiphyllums on the internet, I wonder if I have ever
seen my orchid cactus "bloom." I don't think I have ever seen the full

From what I read, I get the idea they open at night. I have never
stayed up to see them open. I must see the pre and post bloom. The
current bud is beginning to wither.

Some people report a fragrance when they bloom. I have never noticed

I'd like to try to propagate more plants from this one.

I've been to a lot of gardening sites on the web. Hoorah for the

The kid who loves plants but has a purple thumb

My friend B. wrote back that the orchid cactus blooms in the middle of the night.

I said:
I've never seen the trumpet part. Isn't that funny! I was so in awe of the bloom itself that I thought I'd seen the whole thing! Now it is gone. Completely disappeared! I wonder if an animal came and took it. I am looking forward to next time when I will know to stay up later at night and check on it! Does it open several nights repeatedly?

It should be open just like a trumpet, or you are not seeing it. They do open at night and then close early in the morning, although on a heavily overcast day they can remain open throughout the morning.